The rape of Denmark is effected from mind control center Sandagergaard, 8 miles from the centre of Copenhagen
(for gammel til at besvare)
2011-12-09 10:53:24 UTC
The electromagnetic sexual assault of hundreds of thousands of
unwitting Danish civilian citizens is effected from mind control
center Sandagergaard and from a NIS mind control center in Seoul,

The sexual harassment, manipulation and rape of Danish citizens in our
private homes is done on the initiative and with the consent of the
Danish military intelligence, FE. This treacherous assault of Danish
men and women will never be forgotten or forgiven by the momentarily
defenceless Danish civilian population.

FE sometimes pretend that the reasoning behind this abject and
treacherous assault on the dearest we have, our most intimate private
life, includes ideas of educating the Danish population, which, when
explained to the undersigned, appear warped, indeed malignant, and
totally out of touch with the reality.

Well, we will be educated. More than Danish Military Intelligence have
ever dreamt of. And the national traitor, FE, will be brought down
like they should by the Danish people, which, unfortunately, is not
nearly as stupid as the Danish Military Intelligence consider us.

Steen Hjortsoe
2011-12-09 16:22:35 UTC
Post by bostan332
The electromagnetic sexual assault of hundreds of thousands of
unwitting Danish civilian citizens is effected from mind control
center Sandagergaard and from a NIS mind control center in Seoul,
The sexual harassment, manipulation and rape of Danish citizens in our
private homes is done on the initiative and with the consent of the
Danish military intelligence, FE. This treacherous assault of Danish
men and women will never be forgotten or forgiven by the momentarily
defenceless Danish civilian population.
FE sometimes pretend that the reasoning behind this abject and
treacherous assault on the dearest we have, our most intimate private
life,  includes ideas of educating the Danish population, which, when
explained to the undersigned, appear warped, indeed malignant, and
totally out of touch with the reality.
Well, we will be educated. More than Danish Military Intelligence have
ever dreamt of. And the national traitor, FE, will be brought down
like they should by the Danish people, which, unfortunately, is not
nearly as stupid as the Danish Military Intelligence consider us.
Steen Hjortsoe
NIS, National Intelligence Service i Syd-Korea har meddelt mig, at
interesse for elektromagnetisk at opsøge borgere i deres privathjem
og voldtage dem der på ingen måde er begrænset til Danmark.

På mit udtrykkelige spørgsmål om Norge også var involveret var svaret:
Ja !

Det undrer mig iøvrigt, at interessen herfor er tilsyneladende ikke
eksisterende i Norge, idet jeg så godt som aldrig har modtaget
kommentarer til mine bidrag på Samfunn.Politikk.

Det drejer sig, som man forstår, om det reelt eksisterende orwellske
rædselssamfund. Det vedrører også Norge, hvadenten nordmændene
kan lide det eller ej.

Steen Hjortsø
